Elon Marsk
Elon Marsk

Elon Marsk

$ELONM — Pump? Dump? Elon Doesn’t Give a Shit. Sit and Watch!
$ELONM — Pump? Dump? Elon Doesn’t Give a Shit. Sit and Watch!
$ELONM — Pump? Dump? Elon Doesn’t Give a Shit. Sit and Watch!
Elon Musk’s chilling on Mars, munching popcorn, flipping through "Earth News" while you freak over charts. $ELONM isn’t about sweating pumps or crying over dumps — it’s about kicking back and watching the circus from afar. Pump happens? Cool. Dump hits? Whatever.
Elon Musk’s chilling on Mars, munching popcorn, flipping through "Earth News" while you freak over charts. $ELONM isn’t about sweating pumps or crying over dumps — it’s about kicking back and watching the circus from afar. Pump happens? Cool. Dump hits? Whatever.
Elon Musk’s chilling on Mars, munching popcorn, flipping through "Earth News" while you freak over charts. $ELONM isn’t about sweating pumps or crying over dumps — it’s about kicking back and watching the circus from afar. Pump happens? Cool. Dump hits? Whatever.
Elon Musk’s chilling on Mars, munching popcorn, flipping through "Earth News" while you freak over charts. $ELONM isn’t about sweating pumps or crying over dumps — it’s about kicking back and watching the circus from afar. Pump happens? Cool. Dump hits? Whatever.
Elon Musk’s chilling on Mars, munching popcorn, flipping through "Earth News" while you freak over charts. $ELONM isn’t about sweating pumps or crying over dumps — it’s about kicking back and watching the circus from afar. Pump happens? Cool. Dump hits? Whatever.
Elon Musk’s chilling on Mars, munching popcorn, flipping through "Earth News" while you freak over charts. $ELONM isn’t about sweating pumps or crying over dumps — it’s about kicking back and watching the circus from afar. Pump happens? Cool. Dump hits? Whatever.


Total Quantity 1,000,000,000
Total Quantity:
Total Quantity 1,000,000,000
100% Burned
100% Burned
100% Burned
Transaction Tax
Transaction Fee:0%
Transaction Tax